Monday, February 28, 2011

Reindeer Soccer Game

Ho Ho Ho!

I hope your winter has been as splendid as ours has been here at the great North Pole!  I wanted to tell you about the wonderful time we all had at the annual Reindeer Soccer Game recently!

We had all of our fantastic reindeer involved in a very fun soccer game that was played in about 3 feet of snow - it looked like a blizzard at times with all of the reindeer prancing and running up and down the field.  When you have 4 legs on that many speedy players you can imagine the snow that was flying all around us.  The game ended in a 3-3 tie and good sportsmanship was shown by all!  Everyone played well and had an arctic blast!

Mrs. Claus made hot chocolate by the gallons and had special treats for all of the reindeer players, too.  It was simply a special event that we all genuinely enjoyed.  I Ho Ho Ho'd for hours while watching them all play . . .

Ho Ho Ho!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family, Friends, and A Better Year!

Ho Ho Ho!

Happy Day my friends!

Just a quick update on the North Pole family fun.  We had some very close friends invite us to dinner just last evening and we had a great meal, enjoyed great friends, and shared some terrific memories.

We also shared with each other our plans for the future and plans of our family members.  We ended with a slice of splendid pie and of course, a little bit of popcorn was available as well!

What plans do you have to make this year better than last year?

I truly believe that we can make every year better than the last if we will set our minds to the task and stay focused on the successes we can have.  Plan your way to a better year - start right now.  It is never too late to improve yourself!

Ho Ho Ho!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Conversation With A Loyal Elf

Ho Ho Ho!

Today I am sharing with you a conversation I recently had with one of our hard working elves . . . 

Elf : Excuse me sir, may I talk to you?

: Sure, come on in. What can I do for you my friend?

: Well Santa, as you know, I have been a loyal employee of this jolly group for over ten years.

Santa : Yes, I must say, a very hard working and loyal elf indeed . . .

: I won't beat around the bush - Santa, I would like a raise. I currently have four companies after me, so I decided to talk to you before I make any commitments to any of them.  Again sir, a part of my loyalty!

: A raise you say? I would certainly love to give you a raise, but the timing is just not right.

: I understand your position, Santa, and I know that the current economic down turn has had a negative impact on everyone, but you must also take into consideration my hard work, my pro-activeness in getting difficult assignments completed and loyalty to you and your Christmas efforts for well over a decade now.

: Taking into account these ALL of these factors, and justifying that I don't want to start a new training session at this time, I'm willing to offer you a 10% raise and an extra five days of vacation time annually, taken by mid-year mind you. Fair enough, my friend?

: Great Santa! That's a very fair offer in my opinion! Thank you for understanding, Santa!

: Before you go my friend, and simply out of curiosity, which  four companies were after you?

: Oh, they were the Electric Company, Gas Company, Water Company and the Mortgage Company!

Ho Ho Ho!
